We have all heard the stories
of the Palatines who came to New York in the Eighteenth Century and the Pennsylvania Dutch (German) who settled in
the that state. But, there are many
other stories that have not been as well known.
The most recent chapter of
Palatines to America is our North Carolina Chapter. Some may wonder about why a North Carolina
Chapter would make sense. It is
certainly not one of the better known stories of German immigration, except
perhaps to those whose ancestors were among the groups that settled in that
southern state or to those who live in that southern state.
I was reminded of the history
of German settlers in North Carolina by my sister and her husband who made a
trip to Winston-Salem, North Carolina and reported with enthusiasm the
discoveries they made in Old Salem, the historic site where German Moravians who
moved from Bethlehem, PA founded the city of Salem, NC in 1766. It is now an historic district within
richer than the story of those German Moravians,
and I would be happy to add more details if
someone would like to write a more extensive
history of the Germans of North Carolina and
send it to me. Perhaps someone in the
North Carolina Chapter could submit something
to be published in this blog.
varied, and I don’t pretend to be familiar with all
of them. If you know some of those stories and
would like to make them known, send them along
to me at palatinenotes@gmail.com. You can take
credit for the story; I will make it available for
others to read.