Bus Trip to NYS Library and Archives
Date: 20 June,
Cost: $40
Cost: $40
Departure: 9:30 am from the Desmond Hotel
Return: About 4 pm from the Cultural Center on Madison Ave., Albany
Return: About 4 pm from the Cultural Center on Madison Ave., Albany
The 2013 Palatines to America National Conference is
being held in an exciting part of our country, where so much history has taken
place. Albany, New York is situated on
the Hudson River, about one hundred and fifty miles north of New York
City. Henry Hudson, exploring for the
Dutch and looking for a shorter route to Asia, sailed up this river in 1609 as
far as the Cohoes Falls above Troy. Soon
after, trading began with the Indians and settlements were established, first
on Manhattan Island and then at Fort Orange (Albany). Early Palatines in the 1700s traveled through
Albany as they sought better conditions further inland. Later immigrants traveled by boat up the
River and over Mohawk River and Erie Canal as they moved farther and farther
General Burgoyne was held prisoner at General Philip
Schuyler’s home in Albany after the British defeat at Saratoga in 1777. Palatines fought in the French and Indian War
and the Revolutionary War. New York
played a significant role in the War of 1812.
The Albany area was a major staging area for important battles in the north
with Canada during that war. A pivotal
role was played by New York in the Civil War.
As the most populous and wealthiest state at the time, it supplied the
most men, money and material in the north’s struggle with the south. A major exhibit available for viewing at the
New York State Museum, which shares the Cultural Building with the State
Library and Archives is “An Irrepressible Conflict – The Empire State in the
Civil War.” An immense collection of information is
available to the researcher in the collections archived here in the capital
city of Albany.
Our Thursday June 20 tour plans to take those
participating on a narrated jaunt of downtown Albany, passing the river front
where, if we are lucky, the replica of the Half Moon (Henry Hudson’s ship) and
other ships may be at anchor. The State
Capital at the top of State Street and other historic places will be pointed
out as we make our way to the Cultural Center.
We should arrive there by 10:30.
On the 7th floor, our group will be met by a
Library staff member for a guided walking tour in groups of up to 20, of the
local history and genealogical resources of the New York State Library.
Next, the whole group will take the elevator to the Archives
on the 11th floor. There, a
member from the Archives will greet us and take us to a meeting room where
information about the Archives will be provided by video.
Time will be available for enjoying lunch, doing
personal research, exploring the magnificent museum and perhaps visiting the
gift shop. The bus to return to the
Desmond will leave promptly at 4 pm.
Space for this trip is limited to 40. If you plan to take the trip, sign up early
when you register for the Palatines to America National Conference.
(Contributed by Jean Burns of the New York Chapter)